Friday, 10 June 2011

Last day of school!

Ok, first of all, those of you who like school (which is scary) you may not want to read this.  I dislike school very much except the last week because you go on field trips!   So I am very happy!!!  I did have a very very good teacher this year, probably one of my favorites!  Just because I like my teacher I can dislike school very much, right?  Well, at least I think so!  Well, bye and I hope you have a happy summer! (This is me sleeping in 2 or 3 summers ago.)

Friday, 20 May 2011

Puppy photos!

These are some photos that my sister and I took (she took most of them).  We named him Angus.  He is now 8 weeks old.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

My Sister And I.

At the zoo

Still at the zoo

out ...  of...    breath...



O Canada

he he

This is sister; the great cook (coco & isa) and I.


This is the most faithful, loving, nice, friendly, kind,
And all the most wonderful things you can think of dog!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Crazy cousins

What are two crazy boy cousins age 7 & 4 like? Well, if you we're to ask me I would say, "long story, I'll get back to ya later" But I would've been thinking so much more than that. I would be thinking; they are vigorous, smart, awesome, and obsessed with Star Wars, trains, planes, and dinosaurs. They can get a tad bit annoying, but everyone has to be annoying sometime in their lifetime. I've got great cousins.